Skyrim npc hair replacer
Skyrim npc hair replacer

skyrim npc hair replacer

KS Hairdos and/or Apachii SkyHair for your character to have new looks. Superior Lore-Friendly Hair for the, er, hair - no wild new hairstyles, just a retexture of the vanilla ones. Get the performance version, it still looks incredibly good and will have basically no impact on your performance vs vanilla IME. I think there are other male textures out there but I haven't actually looked because I like this one so much. Skysight Skins for male human and elf characters. This is a decent comparison of various options although I disagree with some of their rankings: Coverwomen is great if you want everyone in glittery eyeshadow and lipgloss. Better Females by Bella is popular although I don't really understand why, to me it looks very uncanny valley. SG Textures Renewal and Real Girls are both very nice but IMO a little too airbrushed/supermodel, however this is really a personal preference. Mature Skins (vanilla version - if you end up choosing a body replacer then obviously you'll need the appropriate version) for female human and elf characters - IMO this is the most realistic and human-looking, although it does put some small moles/freckles in identical spots on everyone which is.distracting. XCE and/or Total Character Makeover as a base - I have TCM on top of XCE, but either by itself will be pretty good. My personal preference is (in order of installation, first to last, if using NMM, or in order of left pane priority, top to bottom, if using MO):

skyrim npc hair replacer

So, your options are mostly on the Nexus (I think there may be some others on certain other sites but the Nexus is where most of the popular ones are.) The only one I know of that's here is XCE, it's a very good base (smooths out some of the roughest edges, so to speak) but you'd generally want skin textures and possibly a body mod as well as XCE, plus something to sort out the hair.

skyrim npc hair replacer

esp file (and then the actual textures go in a. Also, texture/mesh replacers are better handled via loose files, preferably with a good mod manager (for easier uninstalling) which is not something that works on the Workshop, as far as I understand it, the Workshop HAS to have everything with either a. Workshop doesn't have much in the way of character enhancing mods, because a/ they're often too big for the old file size limit, b/ they often either include nudity or have the potential for nudity, c/ the mod author for many valid reasons may not want to upload them to the Workshop (for example, most such mods have multiple options - for example most skin retextures have different options for different body mods/the vanilla body - and the only way to offer multiple options on the Workshop is to have multiple different mod pages, whereas on Nexus or other sites you can create a FOMOD installer, and people can pick from a menu of options).

Skyrim npc hair replacer